Saturday, September 1, 2012

Who The Hell Is Calling For It?

From the Orlando Sentinel: Bowing to growing pressure from thirsty and curious Americans in both parties, the White House on Saturday released the recipes for President Barack Obama's homemade beers, revealing the executive branch's penchant for honey-flavored brews.
What pressure?  Who is calling for the release?  Who really cares about the president's beers?
I read a lot on the Internet and I have not come across anybody calling for the president to release his beer ingredients.
Just more BS from Obama and the liberal media, I suppose.
But it does explain one thing: If Obama bows to this kind of pressure, it kind of explains why Obama and company bow to pressure from Russia, Muslims, environmentalists, other liberals, Wall Street thieves (and in liberals minds, conservatives) and the many others who seem to kick Obama's butt on the different issues.
But who really cares if Obama releases his beer recipes- absolutely no one.
Maybe Obama will be singing this song after November 8:

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