Monday, September 3, 2012

WTF, Rikki Cheese?

Tonight, on Channel 13 News here in Las Vegas, they had back to back stories on a woman who poisoned 2 boyfriends and a woman elected mayor after she had died.
For some reason, Rikki Cheese, now an anchor after being a beat reporter after being demoted from being an anchor after a DUI conviction, thought these stories were hilarious and went into a laughing streak.
What the hell, Rikki, will you find the next story about a murder in Las Vegas be funny as well?
It's bad enough that Cheese is very liberally biased but laughing at death and poisoning people?


  1. I think Rikki Cheese is nauseating. Someone needs to wipe that dam smile off her ugly face, not everything in life is happy. I don't know why Channel 13 ever brought her back, there' s a lot of other anchor women that are way times better.

    1. It's "damn" not "dam" aa dam is a barrier constructed to hold back water and raise its level, the resulting reservoir being used in the generation of electricity or as a water supply. Similarly, it's grammatically incorrect to say: way times better :)

  2. she sounds like a female Elmer Fudd.. hairlips and she needs to quit reading the teleprompter so fast. That what makes her look dumb..

  3. Sorry, we do not appreciate the grammar police here.
