From the San Fran Chronicle: Squatters in multi-million dollar homes? Yes, indeed, in the tony beachfront
Boca Raton, FL.
According to Zillow property records, 580 Golden Harbour Drive sold for
$2,478,410 in September of 2012. Now, not even a year later, it’s bank owned.
But that bank, Bank of America, isn’t really in the property management
business, which is why this giant home stood empty long, and apparently not very
securely locked up. Enter Andre Barbosa– literally. The 23 year old is living
in the home, claiming squatter’s rights. The Sun Sentinel reports that ”The police can’t move him. No
one saw him breaking into the 5-bedroom house, so it’s a civil matter. And
representatives for the real owner, Bank of America, said they are aware of the situation and are
following a legal process.” And it’s not an easy process. Instead, it will
involve taking Barbosa to court.
“Adverse Possession”
It only gets more complicated. By invoking an obscure but never rescinded nor
revised Florida law, Barbosa is using “adverse possession” to justify his claim
in the house, as it allows a person to move in and claim title of a property “if
they can stay there seven years.” Florida has suffered more than one similar
case. The Sun Sentinel makes reference to a “handful” of adverse possession
claims making their way through the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s
Office, but Barbosa’s stands out because the house he’s possessing (adversely)
is so valuable. And though Barbosa is certainly eccentric, posting a sign that
he is the “living beneficiary to the Divine Estate being superior of commerce
and usury” on the front of the home, he isn’t stupid. He even contacted the
Appraiser’s Office to alert them that his tenancy had begun, presumably as he
intends to stay for the required seven years.
Theft. Trespassing. Stupidity.
And the cops can't do anything because the cops didn't see the thief go the house? Hey, maybe I can use that to break into a house in Las Vegas and see what Metro says. I suspect they will have their say with a couple billy club hits and a couple of taser shots.
Selling Fear
2 hours ago
Unless this guy's got a job I doubt he'll be able to take the property. He'd have to pay the taxes on the property for the time he lives there - which has been assessed to about 36K a year.