According to Rassmussen Reports, Sharron Angle continues to kick Harry Reid's butt, 48-41%. This comes about 3 weeks after the primary elections and numerous ad's and a visit by Michelle Obama for Harry Reid.
Clearly, Harry Reid is not appealing to voters. The fact Reid is only at 41% again shows Reid is not well liked in Nevada, even with 100% name recognition. And with Obama coming to campaign for Reid in early July, this will only drop Reid's numbers.
Angle has barely advertised and Reid has been spending his $25 million on advertising. In addition, special interest groups are going all out for Reid as well.
This election is for Sharron Angle to lose. I cannot see Reid coming close to 48% with his name recognition.
So, look for Reid to continue to lie, continue to use the Las Vegas Sun as an agent of fraud and continue his attack ads while saying he is Saint Harry, father of pork.
The Pattern at Children's Hospital/Wisconsin
4 minutes ago
Could not say it better myself!