Saturday, June 26, 2010

Wal-Mart Roll Backs Taken Too Seriously

From NBCbayarea: "Everyone knows you can find just about anything you need for a low price at Walmart -- including baby stuff. But an actual baby? That's not usually part of the deal.
Unless you're desperate for cash and not in the best frame of mind.
That's the case in
Salinas, California, where police say a couple tried to sell their 6-month-old baby for $25 outside the doors of a Walmart store. Now they're facing child endangerment charges. Patrick Fousek, 38, and Samantha Tomasini, 20, were arrested Wednesday, hours after Fousek allegedly approached two women outside Walmart and asked if they'd like to purchase his child -- at the bargain price of $25. The women initially thought Fousek was joking, but when he became persistent, they got suspicious and reported it to police, Salinas police spokesman Officer Lalo Villegas said."
This is a sad story and one hopes these pathetic alleged parents never get to see that child again. It is also hoped they never have another child again.
But, if you are going to sell something, do it front of Wal-Mart. I've seen people selling drugs, dogs, ACORN getting signatures for petitions, stolen items from other stores and so much more. A child is more than a bit unusual.
So, they'll probably sue Wal-Mart for giving them the idea.

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