Sunday, March 27, 2011
Funniest Las Vegas Sun Editorial In A Long Time
The Las Vegas Sun, the newspaper that can't deliver it's self- they have to rely on a somewhat conservative newspaper to get their newspaper delivered, has come out with another, only in a liberal newspaper- funny editorial. This time, the Sun is complaining about how the GOP is just picking on poor President Obama on Obama's war on Libya. From the Sun: The Republican criticism of President Barack Obama for his handling of the crisis in Libya has been astounding. The party has gone above and beyond its normal efforts to bash the Democratic president, taking every chance it can to attack... After France launched the U.N.-sanctioned no-fly zone over Libya, Republicans claimed the president’s actions had made the country look “weak,” with several Republicans grumbling about how Obama was allowing other countries to lead. Now, some Republicans are questioning why the country is even in Libya, claiming there’s a lack of “clarity” on U.S. policy. Republican Rep. Candice Miller of Michigan, a key member of the Homeland Security Committee, called for the United States to pull out of the no-fly zone because there isn’t a “vital national interest at stake which demands our intervention in Libya.”... The Republican hypocrisy and double-talk are awful. Their statements have lampooned the real and difficult situations the United States faces around the world. They like to offer simplistic, black-and-white answers to messy situations where there are no easy solutions. Consider former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, a Republican presidential hopeful, who recently berated the president’s foreign policy as “nuanced” — as if that’s a bad thing... The way the Republicans have attacked Obama is wrong. This is too serious of an issue to play political games. The nation deserves better. Well, that's the Sun's viewpoint. Stick their tongue up Obama's butt so far that it comes out Obama's ears. If Obama says jump, the Sun will jump higher and do a double somersault for a good measure. But what the Sun forgets to point out is that the liberals are also criticizing Obama. Ron Kind, a Democrat has spoken out against Obama. Max Baucus, a Democrat from Montana has spoken out against Obama's policy. Dennis Kucinich, A Democrat has even called for the possible impeachment of Obama and to stop funding the Libyan war. Democrats Pete Stark and Lynn Woosley have also come out against the war. From Politico, these Democrats are also against the Libyan War: Reps. Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.), Donna Edwards (Md.), Mike Capuano (Mass.), Maxine Waters (Calif.), Rob Andrews (N.J.), Sheila Jackson Lee (Texas), Barbara Lee (Calif.) and Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D.C.) “all strongly raised objections to the constitutionality of the president’s actions” ...Read more: Liberal blogger Michae Tomasky says this: You're a president. You launch a war. Granted it's not much of a war. But you are sending Americans into a position where they might die. And you don't go on television and explain to the American people why you've made this decision? One more time: you don't go on television and explain to the American people why you've made this decision? I find this incomprehensible. Reagan sent troops into Grenada on October 25, 1983. Two nights later, he was on television explaining why. Bush Sr. ordered strikes on Panama that began on December 19, 1990. The next night, he was on TV explaining why. This is really, truly unbelievable to me, and the worst thing Obama has done as president (previous winner: his extremely ill-considered comment about the "stupid" Cambridge police). This Libya action is already not very popular. Well, uh...maybe people would be helped if their president went on television and told them what we're doing there. Sheesh. The list can go on. But when the Las Vegas Sun runs an editorial, you would think they at least be honest about it. But the words "honesty" and the "Las Vegas Sun" cannot be mentioned in the same sentence.
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