Super Nanny, Shelia Leslie is at it again, trying to be the mother to all Nevadans as she now wants certain cold medications to be available by prescription only.
From the LVRJ: Under Senate Bill 203 by Sen. Sheila Leslie, D-Reno, products containing pseudoephedrine and similar ingredients would require a prescription to thwart people who use fake IDs to buy the products and sell them to meth makers, a process called "smurfing."...
Medicines with pseudoephedrine and similar ingredients currently are sold only in limited quantities from behind the counter at pharmacies and require buyers to sign a registry because of a law approved during the 2007 legislative session.
Adding the prescription requirement, Leslie said, would reduce instances of smurfing, the practice of buying as much product as the law allows at one pharmacy before moving on to another and using an assumed name and a fake ID to buy more.
Adding the prescription requirement, Leslie said, would reduce instances of smurfing, the practice of buying as much product as the law allows at one pharmacy before moving on to another and using an assumed name and a fake ID to buy more.
Umm, earth to Nanny Leslie, if they are using a fake ID at the pharmacy, don't you think they will use a fake ID at the doctor's office while they go doctor shopping? And those who live close to the border won't go shopping in California, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon or Utah?
Why not just ban the drug in Nevada, then that will end the meth labs in Nevada, right Leslie?
Shelia Leslie (D-Reno) Super Nanny. What a moron.
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