I wonder if Jon Ralston will pick this up. From Cranky Hermit and Chuck Muth: A couple weeks ago, Citizen Outreach launched a telephone campaign urging taxpayers to contact Assemblyman Pete Goicoechea and voice opposition to his announcement that he was willing to negotiate with Democrats for higher taxes. And hundreds of Nevada citizens did just that.On March 3rd, a public employee named Marge Griffin, who works for the Legislative Counsel Bureau (LCB), sent out an email advising legislative assistants on how to blow off such constituent calls by forwarding them to the LCB's main switchboard.Well, a copy of Ms. Griffin's outrageous email made its way to me...and I, in turn, exposed to the public how this public employee was advising other public employees how to ignore phone calls from Nevada citizens. At which point Ms. Griffin reportedly blew a gasket, had a conniption and threw a major league hissy fit all at the same time.She then launched an all-out witch hunt to find out who forwarded the email to me.Griffin's investigation - conducted with Susan Furlong, Chief Clerk to Assembly Speaker John Oceguera - led to the conclusion that the "culprit" had to be GOP Assemblyman Ed Goedhart's legislative assistant who, for privacy reasons, we'll call Joan. And you're not going to believe what happened next.Without warning...without explanation...without discussion...without even advising Assemblyman Goedhart in advance....Susan Furlong, LCB's Queen of Hearts, decreed: "Off with her head!" - and down came the ax. Adding insult to injury, Joan was "perp-walked" out of the building by two LCB staffers.But the worst part? Joan didn't even do it. Indeed, once I found out that Queen Furlong had canned Joan, I immediately swore out an affidavit attesting to the fact that Joan was not the person who forwarded the email to me and gave it to Assemblyman Goedhart, who in turn gave it to Ms. Furlong."I presented your notarized statement exonerating 'Joan' from any involvement in your article," Goedhart emailed me the next day. "She glanced at it for a minute and said that your statement didn't change anything and that her decision was final and not open for debate."
Wow, that transparency in the Democratic controlled Assembly and Senate. Yes, you can blame this on the Democrats.
So, a person is fired without doing anything wrong, other being a staff member for a conservative Republican.
"Catholic" or Ummmnnnhhh.....What?
2 hours ago
'We do a helluva job collecting taxes'
ReplyDeleteSee how Dino DiCianno ran the Nevada Tax department like the mob at this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFWFbWuVCd8
As you are aware from the story SUN EDITORIAL: A failure of oversight State hasn’t had anyone trained to audit billions in mining tax deductions
"During a hearing in the Legislature last week, lawmakers heard a disturbing admission from Dino DiCianno, head of the state’s Taxation Department: The department hasn’t been auditing the lucrative deductions that mining companies claim. As the Las Vegas Sun’s Anjeanette Damon reported, the Senate Revenue Committee sat stunned for a moment after DiCianno’s comment. Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford, D-North Las Vegas, asked DiCianno if he had told Gov. Brian Sandoval that. “Ahhh … that’s my fault,” DiCianno answered. “Maybe I should have.”"