From Charlie Sykes: "We will picket on public property as close to your house as we can every day. We will harrass the ever loving shi*t out of you all the time. Campus is OCCUPIED. State street is OCCUPIED. The Square is OCCUPIED. Vilas, Schenk's Corners, Atwood, Willy Street – Occupied, Occupied, Occupied, Occupied. Did you really think it was all about the Capitol? F*ck the Capitol, we are the CITY... We have the numbers and we don't back down from anyone. We all know each other. We all know each other. We know each other from Service Industry Night at the Orpheum, because we're regulars at the same coffee shops, restaurants and bars, we know each other from the co-ops, we know each other because we've had a million jobs each (and we all worked at CapTel at least once), because we live in every shitty townie house in ever-changing groups of 2 – 7 people, because we are young and horny and screw each other incessantly, because we're all on facebook, and because we aren't anti-social, life-denying, world-sterilizing pieces of human garbage like the two of you. WE WILL F***K YOU UP. We will throw our baseballs in your lawn, you cranky old pieces of sh*t, and then we will come get them back. What are you gonna do? Shoot us? Get Wausau Tea Patriots to form an ad hoc militia on your front lawn? That would be f**king HILAROUS to us. You could get to know the assholes on your side in real f**king life instead of sponging off the civil society we provide for you every single day you draw breath."
And more thuggery directed at a GOP senator....
The office of Sen. Dan Kapanke (R-La Crosse) said the senator has been subjected to damage of personal property and has received threatening statements in the wake of mass protests in recent weeks over Gov. Scott Walker’s budget-repair bill.
Kapanke have been unavailable, but an aide to Kapanke says that windows on Kapanke's car were broken in Madison and the senator's wife found nails strewn on the driveway of their home.
According to Rose Smyrski of Kapanke’s staff:
Nails were scattered on his driveway twice last week. The incidents were reported to the La Crosse Police Department.
Also, Kapanke's’s windshield was damaged on March 9 after the Senate voted on the budget-repair bill. Kapanke was advised by Capitol police he would not be able to reach his car parked on the Capitol Square because of protesters. A state trooper moved the car, and when Kapanke went to his car a short time later, he found a hole in the windshield. He drove home to La Crosse. He reported the damage on Wednesday to Capitol police.
Some people just need to get a life. While the Walker bill debate was heated, it was played out among mostly adults. Some people just have decided they have no life and have thrown themselves into the argument, a place where they don't belong. It's just like at a professional wrestling match. You have the wrestlers, but then you have a person who has no concept of reality and jumps into the fight for no reason at all. These thugs who made these threats and did the vandalism are fools that decided to interject themselves into this fight when thuggery is not needed. These fools decided that they would be thugs along with the judge and jury.
Some people just need to get a life.
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