Friday, June 8, 2012

Umm, What Did they Expect?

Apparently some people are in an uproar about a joke Don Rickles told the other day:
“I shouldn’t make fun of the blacks,” Rickles said, and then proceeded to do just that: “President Obama is a personal friend of mine. He was over to the house yesterday, but the mop broke.”
And the audience reacted:  The black-tie crowd, gathered to celebrate MacLaine, the 40th recipient of the AFI’s Life Achievement Award, alternately gasped at the 86-year-old comic’s put-downs and then found themselves laughing and applauding.
Don Rickles has made living, for longer than most of us have been alive, of making fun of people.  He was picking on people before insult comic Andrew Dice Clay was born.
So, for those who don't like what Don Rickles said, then they have never saw Don Rickles doing stand up and he has been doing it for about 60 years.  And if you don't like it, too bad, he's not going to change or apologize for what he said.

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