Monday, September 3, 2012

Is There Any Thing Wosre Than Seeing Gordon Ramsey Naked?

Apparently, the only reason Gordon Ramsey is doing Hotel Hell is to get naked on TV as there have been many scens now showing Ramsey damn near naked- getting into showers, baths and into bed.
Ok, there are some people I would not to see naked, starting with her:
Roseanne barr ugly bitch cartoon

1 comment:

  1. Ha! You certainly know a good place to start! The show is like a train wreck you can’t help but look at; and the disgusting bedspreads don’t help. My Dish coworker was disgusted by the show too, but yet like a car accident, we can’t stop watching. What makes it nice though is we can watch several shows, more than usual, in one evening by watching commercial free with Auto Hop on PrimeTime Anytime recordings.
