Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Real Reason Why Muslim Thugs Are Rioting

From Michael Barone and the Washington Examiner: Fast forward 45 years. White House Press Secretary Jay Carney insisted on Friday that Muslims are rioting in many countries solely because of grievance: they’re protesting that video that almost no one has seen and which lay there somewhere in the Internet for some time without much protest. The riots and attacks were “not a response to United States policy and not obviously the administration or the American people,” Carney said, but “in response to a video, a film we have judged to be reprehensible and disgusting.”...
Why the switch? Because the continued rioting undermines, perhaps fatally, one of the underlying premises of Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign and of his campaign now for reelection: that electing this man president will make the peoples of the world love America and Americans. I make a similar point in my as yet unpublished Sunday Examiner column, which should be accessible here when it goes online. The rioters in Cairo expressly reviled Obama and hailed Osama. They hate America and Americans. They hate our way of life and our freedoms. Obama’s election has made no difference; his campaign bragging about dispatching Osama bin Laden has perhaps got them hating us more. One powerful argument for reelecting him is being refuted by what we see on our television screens.
The Obama administration and it's lap dogs, the media are still prattling on about some stupid Internet movie no one heard of before 9/11/2012.
The protests are against us evil Americans and President Obama.  It's really that simple.  There are places on this planet that the people living there don't like the United states and would rather see us dead.
But Obama, when he was elected and still believes today that he is the world healer and that everyone will love him because he is Barack Hussein Obama. 
It can never be Obama's fault could it?

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