Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Custom Idiots Strike Again

 Emma Watson, who looks adult enough on red carpet, was halted at JFK by agents who thought she was too young to travel alone

From the New York Daily News:
“HARRY Potter” actress Emma Watson has grown up on screen before her fans’ eyes, but customs agents at Kennedy Airport apparently still see her as a kid.
The 22-year-old Brit revealed Monday in a series of Twitter posts that she was mistaken for an unaccompanied minor when she flew into JFK over the Christmas holidays.
“The really sad thing is that this is not the first time this has happened,” an embarrassed Watson tweeted.
She said she was asked where her parent or guardian was when she went through customs.
“Passport control: ‘Unaccompanied minor?’ Me: ‘Sorry?’” Watson tweeted.
“Passport control: ‘Where is ur (your) guardian?’ Me: ‘I’m 22!!!!!!’”
She said the episode taught her a lesson: “Never wearing a backpack again,” she tweeted.
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/emma-watson-stopped-jfk-young-fly-article-1.1235331#ixzz2HN4PtbPo

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