Saturday, January 12, 2013

Failed FIB Cop Calls For More Gun Control

Well, maybe if he was doing his job instead of hanging out with failed politicians like Rahm Emmanuel and Jesse Jackson St, and other failed liberals, then Chicago might be doing a better job combatting gun violence.
From the Chicago Tribune: Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy today called for tougher gun laws and reiterated his opposition to legalizing the concealed carry of handguns in Illinois.
“The answer to guns is not more guns,” McCarthy said during a panel discussion about gun violence that was part of the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition’s weekly forum at its headquarters in the city’s Kenwood neighborhood.

McCarthy, the Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr., WVON-AM radio host Cliff Kelley and others discussed gun laws, Chicago’s homicide rate and recent mass killings in Newtown, Conn., and Aurora, Colo., in front of an audience of a few hundred people.
McCarthy stressed his opposition to allowing the concealed carry of handguns in Illinois, even though Illinois is the only state in the country that doesn’t permit the practice.
“Just because it’s 49 to one doesn’t mean that Illinois is wrong,” McCarthy said.,0,2220583.story
Well, considering that Chicago has had more murders in it's city, even more than New York City, than any other city in the United States, maybe if people were able to carry a concealed weapons, maybe the number of murders would drop.
Further stupidity from the "police chief": When people say concealed carry, I say Trayvon Martin,” McCarthy said, referring to the unarmed 17-year-old who was shot and killed last February by a neighborhood watch volunteer in Florida, sparking controversy across the country.
“I say Trayvon Martin,” McCarthy continued. “Because the answer to guns is not more guns, and just simply putting guns in people’s hands is going to lead to more tragedy.”

If he is going to use that case, then McCarthy should be fired for stupidity.  Martin, as the evidence has shown, was beating the crap out Zimmerman, who then shot Martin in self defense.  The facts may change at trial but right now, it seems to a lot of people that Zimmerman was acting in self defense.
And McCarthy apparently has forgotten all the times when a concealed weapon has saved people's lives all across the country, like this: The shooting last week at the mall in Clackamas, Oregon has been overshadowed by the tragedy that unfolded Friday morning at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut. In Oregon two innocent human beings lost their lives, but perhaps the carnage would have been worse if not for Nick Meli, who has a concealed carry permit and was in the mall when the gunman opened fire. Meli pulled his weapon, but did not shoot the gunman because there were bystanders who could have been injured. The gunman saw Meli, an armed citizen, and rather than shoot more innocents he pointed his weapon at himself.
Read more:
 Further, Chicago has one of the strictest gun laws in the country and that certainly isn't working, now is it?
So, maybe if the Chicago Police Chief would find a way to get the guns that are illegally in the hand of criminals instead of law abiding citizens, maybe he would have some creditability.
Otherwise, just shut the hell up and do your job.

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