Tuesday, January 15, 2013

First In Politics, Now In Technoloy

CBS has almost always been a left leaning news organization and forces their reporters to be on the left side o political issue and coverage.
Now, CBS is being accused of rigging the outcome of the best gadgets from the CES convention, held here in Las Vegas.
From the San Fran Chronicle: Technology reviews by website CNET have long been respected for their thoroughness and integrity, but that reputation has come under scrutiny after a top reporter quit over what he says is editorial interference by its parent company, CBS Corp.
The dispute centers on CNET's choice of best gadgets from last week's International CES show in Las Vegas.
CNET voted Dish Network's "Hopper with Sling" the best home theater and audio product. Because CBS is in a legal fight with Dish over the Hopper's ad-skipping capabilities, CBS vetoed the selection, saying the product couldn't be considered "Best of CES."
Reporter Greg Sandoval tweeted on Monday morning that he was resigning, saying he had lost confidence that CBS is committed to editorial independence.
Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/entertainment/article/CNET-reporter-quits-over-CBS-interference-4193578.php#ixzz2I2Lsr300
This is where Sandoval was wrong, CBS has never had editorial independence.  Only if you were a liberal, would you be considered to be independent.

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