Saturday, January 12, 2013

Good For Conservatives:

From the New York Daily News: Not so, um, fast, Sandy victims.
Conservatives and watchdog groups are waging a campaign they call Not So Fast aimed at trimming about $30 billion in “pork” from the long-delayed superstorm Sandy relief package. 
Some of the aid the groups are targeting include $13 billion for projects to protect against future storms in the region and $12 billion in federal Housing and Urban Development block grants. 
They’re also taking aim at $135 million to help the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration improve weather forecasting. 
“A lot of the money goes to government agencies to rebuild rather than helping people actually afflicted by Sandy,” said Stephen Ellis, vice president of budget watchdog Taxpayers for Common Sense. 
“Conservatives want to see a real plan that addresses real needs for Sandy,” Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-Kan.) told The Associated Press.
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That's ok.  The New York victims will just roll over, like the wimps they are.
Oh, wait, they love the government doing things for them as opposed to doing things for themselves.  So, maybe the New York City residents will beg like vagrants on a street corner for government aid.
But I hope the conservatives stay together and not give aid that is not needed unless it is directly related to Hurricane Sandy.

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