Monday, January 14, 2013

How About A Mental Health Background Checks For Journalists?

The crack addled mind of Las Vegas Sun editor is making a damn fool of  himself once again.  Just about every week, Brian "The Coward" Greenspun decides to wake up from his drug induced sleep and write an editorial column.  Usually, they make very little sense, like this weeks cartoonish editorial.
From Greenspun: We need to take aim at the problem of gun violence in this country. Then we have to pull the trigger.
I’m using gun-related words to describe something that I believe most Americans will agree needs to occur: Whatever it takes to keep a tragedy like the one at Sandy Hook Elementary School from happening again should happen.....
Well, in the home I grew up in, there was another cherished amendment that almost always took precedence over all the others — the First Amendment, which gives life and meaning to our democracy.
You know which one that is. It’s the one that guarantees our right to worship as we please, speak as we please, go where we please — with whom and how we please — and gather together without fear that our government will interfere.
It is the reason the Sun and, and every other similar institution in America, exists and why our democracy continues, such as it does, to be based on facts and figures, usually delivered to the electorate via First Amendment-protected news organizations....
One of the great dodges in this whole debate is the belief by the gun lobby that suggests the whole country would be safer if everyone was carrying a weapon. That way, good Samaritans would keep evildoers in check. To prove their point, many of them single out Israel as a country in which everyone carries a gun and the gun homicide rate is low.
It is true the gun homicide rate is low in Israel. It is a fraction of that of the United States. And many Israelis carry weapons. Because so many Israelis are on active duty or reserve status with the Israel Defense Forces, it is not uncommon to see young Israelis walking around with rifles on their shoulders.....
First, you need to convince the authorities that you need a gun, and things like home protection are not high on the priority list. Second, you have to be trained and you have to show the authorities that you not only know gun safety but also that you have the capacity and willingness to practice it, starting with a secure place to keep it in the home. Next, you have to get a doctor’s clearance — physical and mental — before you can have that gun.
And, finally, you have to re-apply every few years and go through the entire process again, especially the mental checkup.  After the vice president’s commission reports its findings this week, let’s get something done. And let’s stop worrying about the slippery slopes that exist only in the minds of a few.
So, we go from gun violence, to the 2nd amendment to the first amendment to Israel and then blindly do what Joe Biden says.
Got it?  If you do, then you are able to follow illogical logic coming from a very strange mind.
But one I think I would challenge Greenspun- the mental health background check.  If it is good for gun owners should also be true for journalists.  In fact, maybe we ought to do background checks on journalists.
Why?  Because journalists have a way of influencing people, for good or for bad.  They write things that people will read, whether the article is true or not.  Journalists influence our politicians, citizens, businesses and others.   They, in effect, control our lives and my guess they have done more damage to this country than gun owners and murderers. I'm sure liberals will say that Fox News and talk radio do a lot of damage to the country while conservatives say the rest of the media has damaged America.
So, let's have background checks for journalists and editors and check them for mental health problems(I guess that will eliminate 95% of writers and editors), criminal checks and lie detectors checks (well, there goes the other 5%)
So, how about it Greenspun and other liberal journalists and editors, why don't you undergo background checks?


  1. I refuse contact with and treatment by any psychiatrist, psychologist or other mental health practitioner as these practices, according to my philosophic and/or religious convictions, do not adequately or properly diagnose and such diagnoses can constitute a false accusation about my behavior and/or beliefs and practices, and are stigmatizing and therefore a threat to one's reputation and physical and mental well-being.

  2. Thanks Matt Ward for responding.
