Wednesday, January 9, 2013

How Can The Fed's Be Serious About Gun Control When This Happens?

From the Minneapolis Star Tribune: A semi-automatic pistol found near the scene of a gun battle in Mexico where five people died, including a Mexican beauty queen, has been traced to a former federal gun agent in Minnesota who was part of the government's controversial Fast and Furious border gun-tracking operation.
The Justice Department's inspector general has confirmed that it is investigating allegations that an FN Herstal Five-seven handgun tracked from the area of a Nov. 23 shootout in Sinaloa was linked to George Gillett Jr., who oversaw Operation Fast and Furious from October 2009 to April 2010.
Gillett played a central role in a similar Twin Cities gun sting a decade ago that was shut down after several government-tracked guns were connected to violent gang crimes. He later worked in Arizona and has offered himself as a witness in the Republican-led congressional probe of Operation Fast and Furious, which led to a U.S. House contempt vote in June against U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.
The new probe, confirmed in a Dec. 21 Justice Department letter obtained by the Star Tribune, focuses on alleged purchases of at least three firearms by Gillett while he was the assistant special agent in charge of the Phoenix field office of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). He has since been reassigned to Washington.
While the ATF has been criticized for losing track of U.S.-sold guns trafficked in Mexico, Gillett's case represents the first time that a weapon recovered south of the border has been tied to an official with the ATF. The powerful Five-seven was limited to military personnel and law enforcement until 2004. The ATF has said the weapon is a favorite of Mexican drug cartels, and those smuggled across the border can command top dollar in Mexico.
If the Fed's can't control their own guns, why do they expect their laws will solve gun violence.
Remember Fast and Furious?  The program which killed a Border Patrol Agent, Brian Terry?  An no one was held responsible?  Remember the cover up by the Department of Justice and the Obama administration?  Remember all that?  And these same morons that are going to come after your guns.  Talk about being irony.

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