Saturday, January 12, 2013

King Of Talk Radio, Neal Bortz's Last Week

Boortz Goodbye
One of the best conservative talk radio show hosts is leaving the air after about 40 years on the air.
Neal Bortz, who can be heard in Las Vegas on AM 670, usually from 1-4 in the afternoon is a funny but also serious talker who is much more entertaining than Limbaugh and Hannity combined and he doesn't play favorites or suck up to the GOP big wigs, like Hannity or Limbaugh.
This is his last week and you know he is going to say what is exactly on his mind and he doesn't care who he attacks.
Yesterday, he aired the Great Georgia Cat Chasing Championship, where parachutists jump out of a plane and try and catch a free flying cat who was pushed out of an airplane just before them.  It was hilarious.
His web site is:

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