Friday, January 4, 2013

Rep. Dr. Joe Heck: Have You Lost Your Way?

Dear Dr. Joe Heck,
I have supported you, Rep. Dr. Joe Heck, from the time you announced that you were running against a very corrupt Dina Titus.  I am proud to call you my Congressman.
I thought you were a conservative, even though you represent more Democrats than Republicans.
But I just cannot understand your votes this week.
You voted for the fiscal cliff bill, which will be an almost total disaster for the country and then you turn around and vote for John Boehner for Speaker of the House instead of another candidate.  You could have even voted for a protest candidate or abstained, but you voted for Boehner, who is a country club Republican who is not conservative and just gives  lip service to conservatives.
Boehner got his butt kicked in the Fiscal Cliff bill and yet you supported the bill and still voted for Boehner, who sold out GOP and conservative values.
You could have voted no on the Fiscal Cliff and brought the tax increases back in a week or less and still could have demanded more spending cuts.
Do you think the liberals in Hollywood need a tax credit?  Do you think that NASCAR needs tax credits?  Do you think that outweighs the increases of taxes and eliminating tax deductions on many Americans?  Is Hollywood and NASCAR more important than most everyone in the United States who will pay an increase in the payroll tax?
When John Oceguera, I went to bat for you, but I wonder, what is the difference Oceguera and yourself?
Rep. Dr. Heck, you are a great American, have a great family but it seems like you are getting too comfortable in Washington D.C.
So, to Rep. Dr. Joe Heck, if you feel you are getting too comfortable in Washington D.C., please make this your last term and go home to your family and let someone who will stand up to the liberals and their outrageous spending and enjoying taxing everyone in the United States who holds a job and has to pay payroll taxes.  If you cannot stand up to liberals, why are you in Washington?

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