Monday, January 14, 2013

Secret Service Guarding Obama's Home In Chicago

I bet you didn't know this, but the U.S. Secret Service is guarding President Obama's house, even though he doesn't live there, vacation there or do anything else at the home.
From the Chicago Tribune: A  Hyde Park man accused of spitting in the face of a Secret Service agent guarding President Barack Obama’s Chicago home last month was ordered held on $50,000 bond Sunday.
The agent was inside a car stationed on the 5000 block of South Greenwood Avenue on Dec. 29 when Kevin Lawrence approached the vehicle, according to police records.
Lawrence spit inside the car, hitting the agent’s face and neck, police records state.
Lawrence, 46, of the 5200 block of South Harper Avenue, was charged with aggravated battery of a peace officer.,0,5173921.story
So, we are paying a Secret service or two or three or more to babysit Obama's house.
You would think that they could have hired a private security firm at least half the cost and have the Chicago Police Department patrol regularly to keep the place safe.
I wonder if babysitting the house is one of those jobs you get in the Secret Service when you piss off the supervisor.


  1. Everything else O'Bummer enjoys is on our dime why should this be any different?

    I wish other people could fund my vacations too! That fool has been on more vacations in 3 years than I have in 10!

  2. In every place we go, guard services will always be an important thing to consider, especially with the kind of environment we have these days. It is pretty obvious that more and more people are getting involved in various crimes that put the society in an alarming state. Criminals easily perform their plans without even thinking twice about what would be the result of what they will be doing. Though there are a lot of people that will get hurt, what matters to them is to have what they truly desire like money, jewelries, gadgets, or any kinds of possessions that has high market value.
