Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Wanna Bet This Pastor Is An Obama Supporter

From Detroit Free Press: Kwame Kilpatrick’s pre-Christmas gift from a Chicago pastor has the former mayor in trouble again with his parole officer.
It’s not that Kilpatrick received the $2,000 in cash on Dec. 11 in a transfer to a Walmart in Chesterfield Township. It’s that Kilpatrick lied about it, according to Michigan Department of Corrections spokesman Russ Marlan. When a parole officer questioned Kilpatrick last Friday about whether the former Detroit mayor had reported all income and gifts he received for December, Kilpatrick said that he had, Marlan said Tuesday. “It appears to be deception regarding finances,” Marlan said. “This isn’t the first time this has occurred.”...
 Chicago pastor Corey Brooks told Fox News the money was a gift, and Kilpatrick solicited it from him.
On his Twitter feed @KwameAndFamily last night, Kilpatrick both thanked and apologized to Brooks for the "tremendous invasion of privacy." Brooks @CoreyBBrooks, in turn, this morning responded, "I will continue to pray for u and the family and if you need me again I am here!!"  
Let's see.  Black pastor from a poor church in Chicago.  Gives money to a Black crooked politician from Detroit who served time in prison.
I'm pretty sure the pastor was not a supporter of Mitt Romney.

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