Thursday, January 10, 2013

When Did The People Of New York City Become Wimps?

Typical New York City Citizen

From the New York Times: Some of the most common and most powerful prescription painkillers on the market will be restricted sharply in the emergency rooms at New York City’s 11 public hospitals, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg said Thursday in an effort to crack down on what he called a citywide and national epidemic of prescription drug abuse.
Under the new city policy, most public hospital patients will no longer be able to get more than three days’ worth of narcotic painkillers like Vicodin and Percocet. Long-acting painkillers, including OxyContin, a familiar remedy for chronic backache and arthritis, as well as Fentanyl patches and methadone, will not be dispensed at all. And lost, stolen or destroyed prescriptions will not be refilled.
City officials said the policy was aimed at reducing the growing dependency on painkillers and preventing excess amounts of drugs from being taken out of medicine chests and sold on the street or abused by teenagers and others who want to get high.
“Abuse of prescription painkillers in our city has increased alarmingly,” Mr. Bloomberg said in announcing the new policy at Elmhurst Hospital Center, a public hospital in Queens. Over 250,000 New Yorkers over age 12 are abusing prescription painkillers, he said, leading to rising hospital admissions for overdoses and deaths, Medicare fraud by doctors who write false prescriptions and violent crime like “holdups at neighborhood pharmacies.”
Regardless of Bloomberg thinks of himself, he is neither God or a doctor.  He shouldn't be setting policy in the hospitals and interfering in the doctor-patient relationships.
And yet, the sheeple of New York City will follow along like they are- a bunch of weaklings with little or no spine.  They will not stand up to this pathetic human being.
What this will do is increase the number of emergency room visits by the poor and those who are unable to see their personal doctors on a timely basis.  Maybe NYC has a perfect health care system, where people wanting to schedule doctor appointments can in and see their doctor within 3 days, especially if they have to go to the ER on a Friday night.
So, when did the people of New York City become such wimps and to allow themselves to be bullied by some pip squeak mayor?

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