Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Would The Catholics Riot And Kill People?

I was watching a new show for me, "Betty White's Off Their Rocker's" on NBC.  It's a show that shows a bunch of old farts pranking some younger people.  Kind of funny but not that funny.  Kind of like an R-Rated Candid Camera but more fast paced (shoot, some of the actors could been the young victims on Candid Camera)
In one scene, though, they had two old actresses dressed up as Catholic nuns, riding their bikes near a beach or trail and then they yell and give the finger to the pedestrians.  They shouted something to the effect "Move it bitches".
In the 2nd episode, the same actress, dressed as a nun, swore and demanded some girls swear in front of her.
I wonder what would have happened if the show mocked Muslims the same way?  There would be rioting in the streets, with killings, some kids and women would have been raped and tortured, all in the name of religion.
The degradation of religion in America continues.

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