Tuesday, June 14, 2016

This Is Pathetic

From the Arizona Daily Sun, Flagstaff: Southern Arizona ranchers who often encounter drug smugglers and other dangers have a new way to get help in emergencies: sheriff-issued radios usually reserved for police that connect them directly to 911 dispatchers.
So far 31 ranchers along the Arizona-Mexico border have taken the new handheld radios issued by the Cochise County Sheriff's Office.
Sheriff Mark Dannels obtained them through private funding in an effort to improve safety along the rural areas that often lack strong cell phone coverage. He said the 2010 murder of rancher Rob Krentz led to increased security and more communication between ranchers and authorities. Authorities believe Krentz was fatally shot by drug smugglers.
The sheriff's office also has a team dedicated to patrolling ranch areas and an advisory group composed of law enforcement and ranchers.
John Ladd, whose family ranch sits along 10 miles of the international border, says the radios will come in handy when he's out in remote parts of his ranch.   http://azdailysun.com/news/state-and-regional/border-ranchers-with-few-options-now-have-police-radios/article_0da513a1-dac4-54e6-a912-2ee95172509f.html
The U.S. government needs to be protecting these ranchers (and the country) from people of all ethnicities (though not too many illegal Amish farmers from Canada have not been caught lately) but instead we apparently have a get into the County Free card.

Image result for image family running

Free Get Into The United States Card

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