Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Democrats Throw Black Man Under The Bus

From Fox News: "The surprise South Carolina Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate has turned down a request from the state party boss to step down.
Alvin Greene, a relative unknown, shocked Democrats in the Palmetto State on Tuesday night by winning the chance to face Sen. Jim Demint, a Republican, this fall with a commanding victory over state lawmaker Vick Rawl in the Democratic primary
. South Carolina Democratic Party Chair Carol Fowler on Wednesday asked Alvin Greene to withdraw from the race for U.S. Senate because of recently revealed court records which show the 32-year-old unemployed veteran was arrested last November in Columbia, S.C., for allegedly showing obscene photos to a college student.
However, Greene told Fox News he has no intention of ending his campaign. "The Democratic Party has chosen their nominee with over 60 percent, and we have to stand behind their choice," Greene said during a rambling telephone interview from his home in Manning, S.C. "We need to be about the issues. We need to be pro-South Carolina, not anti-Greene."

Seriously, the party of Ted Kennedy, Barney Frank and Bill Clinton and they are throwing this guy under the bus? Will Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton protest?
The fact is either the Democrat voters of South Carolina are really that stupid for voting for Greene or the Democrat party bosses are pissed because their favored canididate did not win and was beated by a black guy. Or the party bosses of South carolina are racist. Not sure which one it is.

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