The Las Vegas Gleaner is a pathetic liberal web site( They are quite a vile site, especially with comments from their viewers. Many times, the original post of the Gleaner is quite good and he is honest about the assessments of liberals in the upcoming election. Unfortunately, Gleaner also has shown that he hates the mentally disabled and writes for the racist weekly newspaper, Las Vegas City Life. The problem with the web site is with certain commentators who are quite graphic and to be honest, are quite disturbed.
So, the Gleaner has post about the Paris Hilton arrest, and here is what is said: "In a dramatic departure from standard operating procedure, Southern Nevada law enforcement authorities confronted and apprehended a visibly troubled woman without killing her Friday.
The failure to shoot to kill former professional pseudo-celebrity Paris Hilton was widely viewed as an early test of recent revisions adopted by the Metropolitan Police Department whereby officers are encouraged to occasionally allow unarmed, non-violent suspects to live."
I know, with regards to the numerous police shootings in Clark County, the posting is somewhat amusing.
But the very first comment is just downright awful:
"Metro should be in DC today to take care of the Christian right wing teatards at the Beck rally.
Posted by: Rich 08/28/2010 at 09:36 AM."
So, the commentator, Rich advocates the killing of the people at Glen Beck's rally. If you look at the other comments, no one rebukes him.
And so, who are the kind and caring people? Liberals like Rich? Nah. commentators like Rich? Nah.
What a pathetic web site. Stay classy Gleaner and commentators.
Merry Christmas!
9 hours ago
The bit about Paris is darkly humerous. The comment by the poster could be considered out of bounds, I can see that. But let's not pretend that you couldn't find similar comments at FreeRepublic or RedState. It's rare for me to pull down a comment, and I only get a handful. I'm not sure what I would have done with that one.