If there is any more information, I'll report it.
The LVRJ says it's around Glendale: http://www.lvrj.com/news/plane-down-near-glendale-105141899.html
The Las Veagas Sun reports it's a Twin Cessna. http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2010/oct/17/small-plane-reported-down-eastern-clark-county/

It's possible that the plane was headed to the Overton airport at the time of the crash.
Because of the size of the plane, this has the potential of being very bad. The closest fire department and ambulance is miles away. There were thunderstroms in the Las Vegas area but most of the rain south of the crash site. The crash site is 50 miles north and east of Vegas.
Update: The Alarm Office took the call off the board, meaning the fire department is no longer needed. Pretty sure this is a good sign.
update 2: False Alarm. from the Sun: Federal Aviation Administration spokesman Ian Gregor said a citizen reported to police that a plane went down, but the FAA had no information about a crash.
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