NPR receives taxpayer money to supposedly operate but why? They can sell commercials. They do it now, anyways. Ever listen to their shows: "This hour is brought to you by..." So, the commercial argument is gone down the toilet.
Obviously, NPR has a liberal view point. Whether it is in their new shows and even in their entertainment shows, all it is liberal, liberal, liberal. "All Things Considered" and "Prarie Home Companion", their two biggest shows- liberal.
When they fired Juan Williams, they didn't fire him for his comments. Hell, liberals on their shows say more outrageous things. They fired him for him going on Fox News all the time.
A few years ago, they tried to get a convicted cop killer to comment stories: Yes, that would be one Mumia Abu-Jamal, who, on the night of Dec. 9, 1981, fired several fatal shots into the body of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner. Police found Abu-Jamal with a bullet wound from Faulkner's gun near the officer's corpse.
Abu-Jamal was convicted and sentenced to death in 1982. He managed to gain supporters who truly believe that somebody else shot Faulkner, who then mysteriously and for no good reason shot Abu-Jamal and that the latter is innocent.
So in 1994 the producer of NPR's show "All Things Considered" thought it would be a peachy idea to have Abu-Jamal give monthly commentaries about prison life. He was to be paid $175 per broadcast.Read more at the Washington Examiner:
NPR says they only get about 2% of their money from the taxpayers. So, they can either get more sponsorships, get more money from their listeners or cut costs by 2%. No big deal, right?
But, in this day and age, taxpayers should not be paying NPR any money. If anything, NPR ought to be paying taxes. If NPR or a show cannot succeed on their own, then the heck with the show and/or station.
So, NPR, stop taking taxpayer money and see if your liberal bias shows will succeed on their own. Otherwise, you just may have to change.
"Oldest Ally" Betrayed Your Grandma
6 minutes ago
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