Nevada Attorney General, Catherine Cortez Masto has shown that she is just another Democratic Party hack.
Cortez Matso, at the bidding of Crybaby Harry Reid brought completely false charges against Lt. Gov. Brian Krolicki just before the 2010 election season so that Krolicki couldn't run against Crybaby Reid. The charges were dropped by a judge who said the charges were basically bogus and there was no trial.
Now, Cortez Matso shows once again that she is just a complete political hack who is totally incompetent in her job.
Fromt he Las Vegas Sun: The Nevada Attorney General’s office dropped six felony counts against former Assemblyman Morse Arberry today in exchange for his guilty plea to a misdemeanor for depositing $120,000 in campaign checks into a personal account.
Arberry’s sudden guilty plea in Justice Court to “fraudulent appropriation of money” comes with an agreement he pay back $121,545 that investigators said he diverted from his campaign accounts to his personal account, according to Jennifer Lopez, spokeswoman for Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto. He received a six month suspended sentence.
“Morse Arberry has accepted responsibility for his conduct,” Lopez said in a statement. Masto did not respond to requests for comment.
Great, he takes responsibility. Many criminals do. But they still get punished and they don't have 6 felonies dropped for a minor misdemeanor charge.
Further, from the article:
Another politician, speaking on condition of anonymity, said: “This case was presented as a slam dunk and the attorney general went incredibly soft on a fellow Democrat.” For other Nevada politicians, “there’s no disincentive to do exactly what he did.”
Arberry was prevented from running again after the 2009 session, but resigned to seek a lobbying contract for Clark County judges. He solicited the contract with Clark County district courts while still technically chairman of the Assembly Ways and Means Committee. He agreed to pay a $750 fine to settle a complaint with the Nevada Commission on Ethics.
He agreed to pay back $100 a month. He also agreed to a $1,000 fine. Unless Arberry plans on living another 1150 months or about 94 years, this money isn't going to be paid back.
Arberry basically stole $121,545 from his campaign account and put the money in his pocket. And he gets no punishment.
Congratulation, Cortez Matzo for being such an incompetent Attorney General. One standard for Republicans, one standard for Democrats. What a political hack and worthless Attorney General we have in Nevada.
Random Riddle: Homophones
43 minutes ago
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