From the Las Vegas Sun: The Henderson City Council will begin interviews next week for the vacant city attorney position once filled by Elizabeth Quillin, who resigned in early August after being arrested in May for DUI.
The city has narrowed down the list of candidates to replace her to just seven city attorney hopefuls including Josh Reid, Sen. Harry Reid’s son.
Other than Reid, the list includes Christine Guerci-Nyhus, the current interim city attorney; George Assad, a former Las Vegas municipal judge; Marc Cardinalli; Richard Hinckley; Keith Kizer and Paul “Luke” Puschnig.
At the most recent city council meeting, Henderson human resources director Fred Horvath said he received 45 applications for the job, which pays a $190,000 annual salary, not including benefits.
Interviews will take place at a special city council meeting Nov. 2 at 4:30 p.m. Mayor Andy Hafen and council members will conduct the interviews in a session closed to the public and will reconvene if necessary Nov. 3.
What the Sun fails to mention in this article but has written about in a Jon Ralston piece is that Harry Reid has been putting pressure on the Henderson city council for them to hire his son.
Josh Rid is not qualified to be the city attorney. He is an environmental attorney and works for some law firm. That's it. For more information: In the wake of the August resignation of Liz Quillin as Henderson city attorney — a couple of months after a drunken driving arrest — city officials hoped to move beyond the controversy and hire a replacement. That’s where our story begins.Josh Reid, one of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s four sons, made it known to Henderson officials that he was interested in the job. Josh Reid is an experienced environmental attorney and a partner in Brownstein, Hyatt, Farber and Schreck. He is easily qualified for the job — perhaps even overqualified.
Wait a minute: How does an environmental attorney and a partner make one overly qualified for a City Attorney's job? It doesn't. Mostly, the City Attorney does contract work and offer opinions on city laws, council meetings and boring stuff like that. They rarely venture into environmental law. so, Ralston puts out a false statement right away.We continue: “I’m an environmental lawyer for a top law firm,” Reid the Younger told me. “I think if my name were submitted, I’d be a top choice.”Indeed That stement alone shows he is unqualified for the job. Apparently baby boy Reid has no class or even knowledge of the law. Maybe he should get some pointers on humility from the most most mature of the Reid men, Rory Reid.Despite his son’s manifest bona fides and his obvious last name, the state’s meddler in chief could not help himself. Around Labor Day, the majority leader rang up some of the Henderson council folks to talk up Josh Reid’s credentials.I’m told the calls were not heavy handed, conducted in Reid’s usual low-key style. But once word was out that Josh Reid had applied, everyone knew what the perception would be.“I know people think the fix is in,” said a candid Mayor Andy Hafen, who confirmed a call from the majority leader. “But it’s not.”
If Reid is hired, it will only because of Crybaby Reid's influence and nothing more. Unless the rest of the candidates are newbie lawyers or have been indicted, Reid is not qualified for the city attorney's job.
I hope the Henderson city council and city manager will hire the best lawyer not a lawyer who happens to be the son of Harry Reid.
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1 hour ago
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