From Victor at Write On Nevada: Today, President Obama visited Las Vegas for, among other things, a fundraiser at the Bellagio.Part of Occupy Las Vegas' mission statement reads:
We want an end to corporate money's influence in politics, whether through campaign donations, PACs, or other groups. Money is not speech.We want truly effective campaign finance reform, so that corporations and other interests have no overwhelming advantage over the rest of us in any part of American politics.For a group that claims to be interested in getting money out of politics, a protest outside of a luxury hotel where the President of the United States is holding a fundraiser would be a no-brainer, right? Yes, and at one point, Occupy Las Vegas was planning to hold a rally, as OLV-forum-user hamnose wrote:
The RVJ on Saturday says Obama will be here Tuesday. I haven't seen any news concerning this since then. I notice that all the messages related to this event have disappeared from the OccupyLasVegas website. Has this been cancelled? Or has Obama cancelled his visit?
But cancel they did, because they're too busy ... or something. From OLV-forum-user Breadman:
I wanted to help with a protest with the obama event but there's just too much to be done setting up the new occupation site. That mixed with the uncertainty about where he was supposed to actually be really threw a wrench in the works. You can be sure I'll be at the next political rally to remind people about our mission. Dems, Repubs, they're both crap at the moment. We won't miss the next few regardless of party.
Of course the little weasels over at Occupy Las Vegas are not going to rain on President Obama's parade. He's one of them- an occupier of the White House, even though he is in the 1% they complain about and he is going after the money from the 1% they supposedly despise.
These clowns are just a bunch of hypocritical fools. This is all about liberal/Democrat politics and they do not represent the 99%.
Random Riddle: Homophones
2 hours ago
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