From The Dinner Table:
Dear Occupy Wall Street:
I would like to explain to you why you are not part of the 1%. It is not because the world, government or corporations have conspired against you. It’s most likely your fault, with some help from mom and dad.
When you were 5 years old, you were the kid that demanded your mom or dad get you a toy at the store. When they said no, you screamed, cried and threw a fit. You demanded they give you what you wanted because it “wasn’t fair” if they didn’t. Your parents probably caved.
When you were 10 years old, you were the kid on the soccer team that wanted to score goals even though you were a fullback or even the goalie. You left your position and ran all over the field. When the coach told you to stay in your spot and do your job, you threw a fit. Then you whined to your parents and they probably went to the coach and yelled at him for being unfair to you. The coach probably caved and let you do whatever you wanted to avoid being the mean guy.
When you were 14, you decided that doing homework sucked and studying for tests was boring stuff only nerds did. You were just fine with getting C’s and D’s in school. You made fun of kids that got A’s, called them nerds and dorks, and believed you were one of the cool kids. Your parents were just happy that you passed with C’s and D’s. They never demanded more from you.
When you were 16, you demanded that your parents buy you a car. If they said no, you told them it wasn’t fair. They had the money to pay for one, and you were entitled to a car just because you were 16. They probably caved and bought you one. If they didn’t, you demanded that they give you their car to use whenever you wanted. You told them it was your “right” to use their car, since they didn’t buy you one.
Oh, and they had to give you money for gas, too. Your money was not for that stuff. It was for things like video games, beer and pot.
When you were 18, you graduated from high school and somehow managed to get into college someplace. You chose your school based on important things like “great party school”, male to female ratio, warm weather, and “hotness” of coeds.
At college, you chose classes based on your party schedule. No early morning classes if at all possible. No late afternoon classes, either. Nothing on Fridays. Never a weekend class. All that would require you not to be up until after 2 AM partying, drinking and getting high. When you did go to class, you were hung over and not really paying attention, anyway.
You also made sure the classes you chose, and the major you pursued were not too hard. You took the easy classes and majors like “Art History”, “Sociology” or “Political Science” so that you were pretty sure to pass and graduate. If you were getting a bad grade in a class, you probably dropped it to prevent failing. Then you took it again later and hoped that you could remember the answers to the tests and get a passing grade. You probably took a lot of Pass/Fail classes, too. No pesky grades to worry about.
While the letter is addressed to the Occupy Wall Street thugs, it can be said of the Occupy Las Vegas crowd as well. They feel that they are entitled to things for free, like free college, but they don't want to work for it.
This article pretty much sums up the attitudes of the vast majority of the Occupy crowd and they really need to grow up.
The Future You Live In
2 hours ago
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