From the Las Vegas Sun: Dr. Lonnie Hammargren scurried around his home Friday morning dressed in a blue NASA jumpsuit, whistling a cheerful tune while searching for something over the rim of his spectacles — what it is, he might not even know.
It could be a device from his days as a neurosurgeon, maybe a dusty set of operating tools, or perhaps a larger more historic treasure, like an 1815 Venetian gondola he bought at an auction.
It’s hard to tell how he finds anything in a house the size of three, where every room — including the backyard and at least one bathroom — is crammed with items from long-since imploded hotels, replicas of landmarks like the Taj Mahal and parts of planes and space shuttles.
“I’m obviously a goofy doctor,” Hammargren said.
The doctor and former Nevada lieutenant governor spent his morning giving tours to news stations and calling up producers of three TV shows, all in preparation for the big day.
Sunday he will be honoring celebrities from “Pawn Stars,” “American Restoration” and “Trunks” as part of his annual open house.
“Because I’m a big showoff,” he said in jest.
After a two-year hiatus, Hammargren will once again open his house for public viewing on Sunday in honor of Nevada Day, which is Monday. From noon to 5 p.m. thousands of people are expected to walk through the house at 4318 Ridgecrest Drive to see his collection. This year he’s asking visitors make a $10 donation to Living Grace Homes, a local nonprofit that shelters and assists homeless pregnant teens.
If you have driven down Sandhill Ave., just past Flamingo and Desert Inn, you cannot help but notice the house, even with the 9 foot high fence. Driving by the front of the house is an experience as well, so if you live or are visiting Las Vegas tomorrow, this is a great place to visit. Too bad about the admission price, though because some of us won't be able to visit.
But if you want to see something something strange and see what made Las Vegas great, stop out and see the house. It'll one of the most interesting things you would ever see in your lifetime. If you don't visit, avoid the area because traffic is going be horrendous.
The Future You Live In
1 hour ago
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