The flier for the trunk-or-treat-event, an LDS event where kids trick-or-treat in the parking lot of one of the religious centers, also specified that the children not wear masks.
Raquel Smith, a Sandy, Utah mother, told Fox13 that she felt the event sends the wrong message to the children.
"It has everything to do with not loving your fellow man because they choose to dress a specific way," Smith, who is not a Mormon, told the station.
"I think definitely a child as young as a toddler can understand when a parent says 'no honey, you can't be Spiderman or Harry Potter because you're a girl and that's a boy.' I think that immediately tells your child their decisions are wrong," Smith said.
The family of the bishop who leads the ward hosting the trunk-or-treat event said a women's group created the flier that went out to hundreds in the community.
In a published report, Bishop Dennis Toone defended the flier’s guidelines.
"I thought it was church policy. I'll defend the church and anyone who doesn't like it doesn't have to come,” he said.Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/10/29/church-halloween-event-bans-cross-gender-costumes/?test=latestnews#ixzz1cF74suFq
My guess is that Raquel Smith is a type of person who gets mad at everything conservative and just doesn't have a happy life.
Just as Bishop Toone says, if you don't like the policy, don't go to the party. And I would suggest to Ms. smith that if you want to throw a Halloween with your own money, in your place and you make up the rules. Instead, Ms Smith is just looking for her 15 minutes of fame and wants to impose her beliefs on others.
So, to Super Nanny, Raquel Smith, the LDS church doesn't need your permission or your opinion to run a Halloween party. If you don't like, it don't go and throw your own darn party.
Otherwise, just shut up and go away.
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