From the Las Vegas Sun: The speed with which Occupy Las Vegas has organized and the anxiety it is creating as it seeks places to occupy and protest from now until the end of the 2012 general election came through clearly Tuesday.
At the end of a seven-hour Clark County Commission meeting, four members of the group spoke during the public-comment period.
The grass-roots group is an extension of Occupy Wall Street, born in New York a month ago over disgust with corporate influence in government, exemplified by billions in taxpayer dollars to bail out banks while the remaining “99 percent” of America continues to suffer economically.
Addressing commissioners, the four said they want to work with the county to figure out which public park can be used for them to gather. They tried to lease space, said Kristal Glass, but were denied. Glass said they were advised by government officials “to seek a sympathetic land tycoon, even though some of these landowners are part of the cause of our current economic situation.”
“It is another way of saying our government no longer works for the people but works solely for the wealthy,” Glass said.
Now they want to work with the county. But if it doesn’t work, Glass said the group is prepared to occupy a park without being sanctioned by the government. The resulting nightly arrests by police “will be mass-televised to the state and the nation,” she added. “Please be wary of excuses like the cost of replacing grass. This will be a drop in the bucket when considering the overall cost of bad publicity or police action.”
So far the liberal hate group, Occupy Las Vegas, has been an epic failure. They can only get a couple hundred to participate in their protests and that number includes numerous tourists.
So, now these thugs want to take over a park which is paid for by taxpayer money and is maintained by the taxpayers of the area. These vermin deserve no special place to protest and if they do chose to protest at a park, then they have to leave when the park closes everyday. Most parks are in neighborhoods and those who live there shouldn't have to deal with the great unwashed, the drugs, the sex, the music, chanting and having their world upside down.
And if the thugs don't leave, then they are violating other people's rights, like the right to visit a park with being harassed by a bunch of rodents called Occupy Las Vegas.
The funniest part of the conversation went like this- from the same article: Abbinett implored Sisolak to work fast in finding a location for the group to assemble, and then whispered — loud enough for others to hear — that fringe right-wing groups such as the American Nazi Party, the Ku Klux Klan and skinheads were wanting to participate in Occupy Las Vegas but were being rebuffed by organizers. Umm, no, you moron, your ranks are filled with anti-Semites. Many of the protesters are bigots. And they are very white. They don't need the KKK and the Nazi party to promote their hate, they are already haters, starting with the leaders of the group.
So, if the protesters decide to take over a park and refuse, I hope the Marshals and Metro police will show these thugs the top end of a billy club. Maybe they can have taser practice day at the park. Maybe it will knock some sense into them.
Good Question!!!
4 hours ago
Occupy Las Vegas is a liberal hate group? Thugs? Vermin? Anti-Semites? Bigots? They're violating other people's rights? And yet you're the one who wants them beaten and tasered. Comedy!
ReplyDeleteConsidering that the leaders were threatening to break the law by saying they were going to take over a park or some other area without the County's permission, yeah they are breaking the law. And they said they would resist if they were forced to leave. So, yep, I would rather have them tased than injure a police officer's back.
ReplyDeleteAnd based on what the leaders siad about the people waning to join the group, yep, anti- semite and the SEIU are a bunch of thugs. So, I stand by my statements.
You can stand by your statements if you like, but it's quite obvious who the real hate-filled thug is here. And just to make it perfectly clear, it's not the folks in Occupy Las Vegas, it's you.
ReplyDeleteLet's see, your group Occupy Las Vegas has already threatened violence if the the cops try and remove your group from a park or piece of land. Your group is being sponsored by the SEIU which has numerous members and leaders who have been arrested lately while protesting Station casinos, your group wants to radically change the way of life in the United States. At one of your rallies, someone had a anti-Semite sign. Then you are associated with the other Occupy(name your city) in which there have been riots, arrests, attacks on police officers.
ReplyDeleteThen there is the term "Occupy Las Vegas". Let's see, who uses the term "Occupy"? Why of course, it's the military when they take over another country.
So, Thomas (btw, thank you for your opinion)while not everyone is a thug, vermin, unwashed etc, there many that are and they are the face of Occupy Las Vegas.
I will say this however, I hate bullies and by the very nature of Occupy Las Vegas and the other Occupiers around the world, you guys are bullies. You demand certain things and if you don't get your way, your group will do it anyway.