The Occupier of the White House, President Obama is coming to visit Las Vegas on Monday and the Democrats are fleeing. crybaby Harry Reid and Rep. Shelly Berkley will not be scene because they would rather spend their time in Washington D.C. than be seen with Obama.
From the LVRJ: It was unclear which local officials would be greeting the visitor from the White House. Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., canceled plans to join Obama to stay in Washington where his wife, Landra, was scheduled for a chemotherapy treatment after being diagnosed with breast cancer, a spokesman said.
Rep. Shelley Berkley, D-Nev., also will be a no-show, aides said. After spending the past week on recess in Nevada, she planned to return to Washington so as not to miss House votes, they said.
First, Crybaby Reid's excuse isn't realistic. They can delay or do the cancer treatment a day earlier or later or even later in the day. Besides, Reid already has said that the Senate takes precedence over his wife's illness, which is extremely sad.
And Berkley cannot miss a vote to be with her constituents when the President visits? Please, spare us your crap. And you lied because there are no votes scheduled or Monday.
So, Obama comes to Las Vegas and the Democrats don't want to be seen with him.
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7 minutes ago
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