Harry Reid and Jon Ralston Having Fun While Babyboy Reid Looks On
Jon Ralston, writer for the Las Vegas Sun and apparently has a TV show that 3 people watch, just loves Harry Reid, so much so, that he will lie, cheat, steal and hump Harry Reid, sometimes all in the same day.
Well, Jon came out with another comedy article about how Crybaby Harry Reid is trying to intimidate the City of Henderson into hiring his son as it's new city attorney.
From Ralston's article: In the wake of the August resignation of Liz Quillin as Henderson city attorney — a couple of months after a drunken driving arrest — city officials hoped to move beyond the controversy and hire a replacement. That’s where our story begins.
Josh Reid, one of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s four sons, made it known to Henderson officials that he was interested in the job. Josh Reid is an experienced environmental attorney and a partner in Brownstein, Hyatt, Farber and Schreck. He is easily qualified for the job — perhaps even overqualified.
Wait a minute: How does an environmental attorney and a partner make one overly qualified for a City Attorney's job? It doesn't. Mostly, the City Attorney does contract work and offer opinions on city laws, council meetings and boring stuff like that. They rarely venture into environmental law. so, Ralston puts out a false statement right away.
We continue: “I’m an environmental lawyer for a top law firm,” Reid the Younger told me. “I think if my name were submitted, I’d be a top choice.”
Indeed That stement alone shows he is unqualified for the job. Apparently baby boy Reid has no class or even knowledge of the law. Maybe he should get some pointers on humility from the most most mature of the Reid men, Rory Reid.
Despite his son’s manifest bona fides and his obvious last name, the state’s meddler in chief could not help himself. Around Labor Day, the majority leader rang up some of the Henderson council folks to talk up Josh Reid’s credentials.
I’m told the calls were not heavy handed, conducted in Reid’s usual low-key style. But once word was out that Josh Reid had applied, everyone knew what the perception would be.
“I know people think the fix is in,” said a candid Mayor Andy Hafen, who confirmed a call from the majority leader. “But it’s not.”
Maybe. But when Josh Reid found out his Dad had called, he said, he called Hafen and apologized. If it’s one thing Reid’s sons seem to understand — or care about — more than Reid the Elder, it’s how something might look.
Yeah, he only apologized after Crybaby and Babyboy found out. Further, how pathetic is it when pops has to call in favors to get his son appointed to a job that he is over qualified in?
In the real world, we call them "Helicopter Parents"- always hovering around their kids. BTW, how old is Babyboy Reid? And he still needs dad to come to the rescue? That's another reason not to hire Babyboy Reid.
Unbeknownst to Josh Reid, he says, another applicant with a big Nevada name also coveted the city attorney’s job. Mike O’Callaghan Jr. had put his name in with the city, too.
Let me pause here for those of you who don’t know who O’Callaghan’s dad was. Mike O’Callaghan was a legendary figure in Nevada annals, a schoolteacher who rose to become a beloved governor, a war hero who lost a leg in Korea, and, later in life, an executive editor at the Sun. If you asked anyone who has been in Nevada for awhile if there was any figure who was larger than life, O’Callaghan’s name would certainly be first out of many mouths....
Nevertheless, you can imagine how O’Callaghan, Jr., felt when he learned of Josh Reid’s interest in the job he wanted. O’Callaghan also is well qualified for the job, having recently retired from a distinguished career in the district attorney’s office.
But he did not seem happy when I asked him Friday about applying for the city attorney’s job.
“No,” he said. “I’m withdrawing.”
Oh? Because Josh Reid applied?
“He’s a friend. He’s family. I don’t compete with family. This is not a story.”
Yeah, if you believe that, then the pigs are flying high tonight. If Babyboy Reid was a true friend of O'Callaghan, then it would have been Reid who would have dropped out because Harry owes his political life to O'Callaghan's father.
A better guess was that there was a phone call with either or a bribe, job offer or threat was conveyed to O'Callaghan to withdraw his nomination.
I almost feel sorry for the council members, who have at least a half-dozen other applicants for the post. Reid the Younger is perfectly qualified, but after Reid the Elder’s calls, they might look as if they were cowed by him.
Again, how does Ralston know Babyboy Reid is qualified for the job? How experienced is Babyboy Reid in contract law, administrative law, knowing all the little laws that govern cities along with employment law, public safety law and how knowledge does he have in negotiating union employee contracts? An environmental lawyer just doesn't cut it.
Jon Ralston is supposed to be this powerful, muckraking political reporter, but once again, Ralston shows he is just a shill for Crybaby Harry Reid, Babyboy Reid and the rest of the Democratic party in Nevada. He is a disgrace to the newspaper business
The City of Henderson, where I live, should disqualify Babyboy Reid because of Crybaby Reid's interference and the fact that Reid is just not qualified for the job.
Dan, I have to say this post doesn't make a ton of sense. I know Ralston is liberal, but what he did in this story is to actually EXPOSE Harry Reid's corruption. If he were a shill for Harry, he wouldn't have written this at all.
ReplyDeleteAnd Josh Reid may be the worst thing to happen to a City's Attorney's office short of it being hit by a meteor. But a partner at a major environmental law firm would indeed be qualified to be a city attorney, more so, I'd argue, than a career prosecutor. Administrative law is actually the bread and butter of environmental attorneys, since so much of what they do is to attempt to enforce EPA regs against other companies or even the government. (In fact, go pick up any Admin Law casebook - a huge percentage of the cases in there setting general admin law precedent are environmental cases.)
And at the partner level, he's presumably seeing plenty of office management action. Civil experience like that is pretty transferable, too, much more so than purely criminal law experience - and it's not like there's any attorney that doesn't have some basic contract competence and education. Reid may be a terrible candidate for City Attorney, I don't know the guy, and I'm certainly no fan of his dad or the shameful phone calls Harry made on his behalf, but on paper he would certainly be more than qualified, as Ralston notes.
Orrin,first, thanks for stopping by. I just have a different take on it. I think Ralston wrote the story and then poo-pooed it before it turned out to be a big story. He softened the story so it didn't seem like it was big news.
ReplyDeleteI also disagree with the partner partner part. I think that he got that job because of the name: Reid. Maybe he is qualified, maybe not. But if Josh was so qualified, why did dad have to intervene?
Agreed that the intervention is awful. I just didn't read the Ralston story as a soft pedal in any way. It may have been soft on Josh Reid, but I thought it raked Harry over the coals. And more importantly, I haven't seen the story ANYWHERE else but from him. (To be fair, that may be because I'm a Reno Gopher so we get less local Henderson news...)
ReplyDeleteAnd like I said, I'm only defending paper Reid. Beyond the resume he may be a nepotistic, unqualified, incompetent jerk. Or he may be smart and talented, and have the misfortune of everyone assuming he only got where he was because of his name, which means he has to work twice as hard to prove himself all the time. Beats me. But as a general matter, an environmental law practitioner who has been practicing for as long as Reid has would be plenty qualified to take over a City Attorney's office.