Thursday, January 10, 2013

$1,000,000,000,000 Obama Coin?

From Fox News: All the White House had to do Wednesday was rule it out. 
For days, the press and the pundits were abuzz with the fanciful notion that maybe -- just maybe -- the Treasury Department could avert a standoff over the debt ceiling by minting a cure-all trillion-dollar coin. 
Surely, the White House would dash the idea, no? 
But when asked, repeatedly, about the possibility, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney hedged. 
Then he hedged again. And again. 
And the legend of the trillion-dollar coin continued to grow. 
Lawmakers are now railing against the idea, which has -- left unchecked -- become a seemingly legitimate point of debate. The National Republican Congressional Committee has launched a petition urging people to oppose the use of trillion-dollar coins to address any debt crisis. 
NRCC Chairman, Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore., says he plans to introduce a bill to short-circuit any such plan. 
"This scheme to mint trillion-dollar platinum coins is absurd and dangerous, and would be laughable if the proponents weren't so serious about it as a solution. I'm introducing a bill to stop it in its tracks," he said in a statement.
Without a doubt, if there is a trillion dollar coin, Obama will have his big fat bloated ego, err head on the coin.
It's a stupid idea to even think about minting the coin and pretend the coin will be a legitimate coin to solve the U.S. woes.
But then, we are used to stupid ideas from the Obama administration and the Democrats.

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