Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Another Why People Hate Government

From the Newtown CT. News Time:
A prominent New York City developer balked when he was ordered to shave a foot off the height of two 5-foot granite posts he had installed at the driveway entrance to Katharine Hepburn's former estate along the Connecticut shore.
A veteran of navigating zoning rules and regulations, Frank Sciame thought the local historic commission didn't have the authority to issue the order in 2010. His response? Place foot-high flower beds at the base of the posts and tell the commission he was complying with its order.
That didn't sit well with the Historic District Commission of the Borough of Fenwick in Old Saybrook, which began court proceedings that culminated Monday in a state Appellate Court ruling against Sciame, who owns the estate.
The state's second-highest court upheld a lower court ruling and dismissed Sciame's claims that the commission overstepped its authority and inflicted emotional distress on him by making him lower the posts. At a public hearing in June 2010, commission members said they were concerned that the height of the posts made them too visible from surrounding areas, including local streets and a golf course.
The Appellate Court ruled that Sciame didn't appeal the commission's decision within a required 20-day period and that the claims of emotional distress were not legally sufficient.
Sciame's Milford-based lawyer, Genevieve Salvatore, said she wasn't pleased with the court's rulings but respected them. She said no further appeals were planned, and the posts already have been lowered to the required height.
Read more: http://www.newstimes.com/news/article/Hepburn-house-owner-loses-court-fight-in-Conn-4172164.php#ixzz2HRLhoFTr
A guy builds a 5 foot high granite post and the government goes all tyrannical on the guy- orders him to lop a foot off, then sues the heck out of him.
1 foot people are going to know the difference from a golf course and become upset about it?
There are a lot of these so called "historical commissions" around the country who have unelected thugs on them who like to throw their weight around.  They have kept ugly buildings up, killed projects that could have employed hundreds of people etc.
Too bad the government found a court that agreed with the tyrants.

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