Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Idiot Professor In College News

Actually, beyond idiot.
From Fox News: The top official in Newtown, Conn., strongly condemned a Florida professor who recently sparked outrage for questioning whether last month's horrific school massacre in the Connecticut community really happened.
James Tracy, an associate professor of media history at Florida Atlantic University, made the bizarre claim on his personal blog memoryholeblog.com, writing that the shooting that left 20 children and six adults dead may have been a government drill -- or may have not even occurred.
"It is outrageous and an insult to all caring people to think that this man would chose this event as a stage for his outlandish conspiracy theories," Newtown First Selectman E. Patricia Llodra told FoxNews.com, calling his statements "wrong, inconsiderate and insensitive."
Tracy, who did not return calls for comment, told the Sun-Sentinel he considers his conspiracy-mongering a scholarly endeavor.
“I describe myself as a scholar and public intellectual interested in going more deeply into controversial public events,” he said. “Although some may see [my theories] as beyond the pale, I am doing what we should be doing as academics.”
Llodra didn't agree.
"Professor Tracy is an embarrassment to me as an educator and should be to you as well," she said. "I can assure you, sadly, that the events here in Newtown unfolded exactly as are being reported."...
In a posting titled “The Sandy Hook Massacre: Unanswered Questions and Missing Information,” Tracy questioned how Adam Lanza was able to fire off so many shots in such little time and noted a lack of surveillance video or still images from the gruesome crime scene.
“Inconsistencies and anomalies abound when one turns an analytical eye to news of the Newtown school massacre,” Tracy, 47, wrote. “While it sounds like an outrageous claim, one is left to inquire whether the Sandy Hook shooting ever took place — at least in the way law enforcement authorities and the nation’s news media have described.”
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/01/08/florida-professor-questions-newtown-shooting-massacre-calls-for-more/#ixzz2HRb5gyEn
Yes, there are questions that need to be answered.  For instance, NBC reported that the gun used in the killings was a hand gun but much of the media is fixated on the so called assault rifle- the Bushmaster, as being used in the killings.
But to say this was a government drill or didn't happen is just stupid.
The sad thing is that this guy is being paid by the taxpayers of Florida and is covered by tenure, so he cannot be fired.
Another idiot in education.

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