Tuesday, January 8, 2013

I Don't Believe It

Yep, I'm very skeptical.
From jsonline: America set an off-the-charts heat record in 2012.
A brutal combination of a widespread drought and a mostly absent winter pushed the average annual U.S. temperature last year up to 55.32 degrees Fahrenheit, the government announced Tuesday. That's a full degree warmer than the old record set in 1998.
Breaking temperature records by an entire degree is unprecedented, scientists say. Normally, records are broken by a tenth of a degree or so.
"It was off the chart," said Deke Arndt, head of climate monitoring at the National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, N.C., which calculated the temperature records.
Last year, he said, will go down as "a huge exclamation point at the end of a couple decades of warming."
The data center's figures for the entire world won't come out until next week, but through the first 11 months of 2012, the world was on pace to have its eighth warmest year on record.
Wisconsin, especially the southern portion of the state, certainly helped break the U.S. heat record.
Milwaukee and Madison had at or above normal mean monthly temperatures every month except September and October. The 2011-'12 winter was among the five warmest, spring was the warmest on record, and summer was in the top three hottest. Plus a drought gripped much of the southern half of Wisconsin throughout the summer and autumn.
Madison broke and Milwaukee tied the record for warmest year. Madison's warmest year had been 1931, when the mean temperature - averaging the daily high and low temperatures - was 51 degrees. Milwaukee's warmest year also was 1931, with a 51.9-degree mean temperature.
But last year Madison's mean temperature was 51.3 degrees. And Milwaukee hit 51.9 degrees, tying it for warmest year.
Scientists say the U.S. heat is part global warming in action and natural weather variations. The drought that struck almost two-thirds of the nation and a La Niña weather event helped push temperatures higher, along with climate change from man-made greenhouse gas emissions, said Katharine Hayhoe, director of the Climate Science Center at Texas Tech University. She said temperature increases are happening faster than scientists predicted.  http://www.jsonline.com/news/usandworld/us-roasts-to-hottest-year-on-record-by-landslide-mh8a2ka-186098291.html
First, anything that comes out of the Federal government nowadays has to be viewed as non-believable. 
Second, small increases in temperatures generate few headlines and fewer grant money awards.
But my guess is that in a few days, the Obama administration will come out with new regulations to supposedly clean up the air.
But it is it a coincidence that the hottest temperatures come in Obama's administration, after years of trying to clean up the environment with all their regulations and programs.

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