Thursday, January 10, 2013

Death Penalty For These Thugs

Talk about greed and selfishness.
From the LVRJ: Twenty-year-old Sasha Williams felt she was owed a television.
So she gathered muscle - three men - who broke into a south valley apartment Tuesday night with her in what should have been a simple home invasion.
The group snatched electronics, but they left behind the bodies of two apartment residents, Anthony Anderson and Evin Russell.
Both were fatally shot, according to Las Vegas police reports released Thursday that included Williams' statement to detectives.
The group's plan to get Williams her television began to disintegrate when Anderson fought back while her companions ransacked the home at the Harbor Island Apartments, on East Harmon Avenue near Paradise Road.
During the fight, Anderson was killed. But a third apartment resident, Laurice Brightman, who was shot in the buttocks during the chaos, jumped out of a window, the report said.
After escaping the apartment, Brightman heard at least four shots, the report said.
Brightman later gave detectives key information that aided police in Wednesday's arrests of Maurice Sims, 22, Brandon Range, 23, and Williams, the report said.
The three were booked into the Clark County Detention Center on a slew of charges including two counts of murder with a deadly weapon, one count of attempted murder with a deadly weapon, three counts of burglary with a deadly weapon, home invasion, conspiracy to commit robbery and three counts of robbery with a deadly weapon.
Interviewed at Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center, Brightman told police "Sasha" was an acquaintance who showed up at their home with three men about 8 p.m. Brightman refused to let them in, but the group showed guns and shoved their way in.
It's too bad that the victims didn't have access to any guns, so they could stand a chance against these thugs.
And I wonder if the local "leaders" of the community, will go after all the violent deaths we have had recently.  Will the black leaders of the community stay silent about black on black crime or will they continue to shut up and let the crime go on, right under their noses.
Will the Hispanic community continue to be quiet about all the illegals who commit crime against their Hispanics in the community or will continue to stay silent in their community.
And will all politicians continue to stay quiet on all the violent crime, or will they continue to bash Metro, blame the economy, blame guns instead of blaming the criminals for their actions?
And will the media start reporting about the crime and criminals instead of saying stupid things like " a simple home invasion".  Is there really a simple home invasion out there?
Hopefully, these thugs will get the death penalty, but I am sure we will see that these thugs will find people to call them misunderstood and that they really are good people.


  1. I knew the 2 men's that was killed over some B.S. They was good people. The people that u happy 2 see when Eva they come around. They kept me laughing it was never a boring moment
    ** RIP** TEARS

  2. When is this trial going to finally take place...

  3. Sadly, the woman was never indicted by the grand jury and is now free.
    Sims also and Range also have been free.
    No one else apparently was arrested for the murders.

    1. Sims is not free. He is still in jail awaiting trial.

  4. Maurice sims should no be there it was all sasha Williams she told me the whole story wen i was in jail wit her last year shaking my head sasha was a hoe...

  5. I dont think BC and eregal didnt know it was hers. another dumbass knew the story but he was not there........

  6. I knew Simms back in my school days and he was a punk then and i can see how his cowardly ways got him where he's at now the death penalty would be sufficient the world wouldn't miss nothing
