Thursday, January 10, 2013

In Your Face!!

From the Detroit Free Press: The award-winning Pure Michigan tourism campaign has always been about the tranquility and splendor of Michigan's landscapes and lakes, and the "welcome neighbor" charm of its residents.
It has enjoyed near-unanimous support, and garnered a following of more than 400,000 fans on Facebook and more than 40,000 followers on Twitter.
But a full-page ad in the Wall Street Journal this week has linked Pure Michigan to one of the most controversial and divisive issues to hit the Mitten in decades: Under the header of "What Happens When Michigan Makes History," the ad touts Michigan as the newest right-to-work state, capitalizing on a polarizing issue that brought 12,000 protesters to the capital last month when it was signed into law.
Linking the popular booster campaign to such a partisan issue taints the prized Pure Michigan brand, advertising and marketing experts say, and has prompted a firestorm of outrage on social media.|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE
And the liberals are none to happy:
"Pure Michigan has always been about uniting our state around what makes us great: our natural resources, our communities and our people," said state Sen. Gretchen Whitmer, D-East Lansing. "It's simply offensive that Gov. Snyder would corrupt that message and use it to advance his own political agenda."
State Rep. Brandon Dillon, D-Grand Rapids, said: "It used to be something all Michiganders could be proud of. Now it's being used to push a divisive issue. ... This is a pure perversion of what Michigan residents want to see from their leaders."
As President Obama basically has said in the past: " Too bad.  You lost".  The GOP had a mandate and they passed the law based on their mandate.
So, good for Pure Michigan to promote something positive for Michigan and letting people know that Michigan has now joined the 21st century, instead of languishing in the past with antiquated laws about forced slavery in unions.  And now Michigan employees now have the freedom of choice on whether to join a union or not.

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