Thursday, January 10, 2013

Ummm, No

From Houston Chronicle: Without fanfare, President Barack Obama on Thursday ended a two-tiered system of U.S. Secret Service protection for former presidents. Now, all former chief executives will receive lifelong, round-the-clock protection.
The president signed legislation into law to extend protection from 10 years to lifelong for former presidents who served after 1997.
Before the change, former President George W. Bush had been scheduled to lose U.S. Secret Service protection in 2019, 10 years after leaving office, and Obama would have lost post-presidential protection in 2027.
First ladies, including Laura Bush and Michelle Obama, will also receive lifetime protection. The Bushes are living in Dallas and maintain their ranch in Crawford.
The change was one of 22 pieces of legislation signed into law by Obama on Thursday.
The measure ends a system that provided lifelong protection only for former presidents and first ladies who served before 1997, including former Presidents Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush and Jimmy Carter and their wives. That group will continue to receive protection.
These presidents will make millions of dollars after they leave the presidency, so why should they get free Secret Service protection for the rest of their lives, along with their wives.  Hell, why stop there and why not give the protection to their kids?  How about their grandkids?  How bout the family pets?
Just more raping of the taxpayer by Obama and Congress.


  1. I don't have a problem with this. In fact, I had no idea that the protection stopped at some point for former Presidents. And hey, it's job creation! Anyway, Obama may have signed the legislation, but he didn't come up with it. Let's say, an underling of yours brings you a piece of paper: sign this, Dan, and we'll give you a posse for the rest of your life. . .you're not gonna sign it?

    If it really bugs you that much, remember that Dubya gets it too.

  2. And Obama wants to take our weapons, our right to self protection, what a hypocrite.
