Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New York Going To Confisicate Weapons

From the New Daily News: A charged-up Gov. Cuomo Wednesday demanded that state lawmakers “stop the madness” of firearms violence and lead the nation by passing America’s toughest gun controls.
He used his State of the State address to detail a sweeping plan that includes banning assault weapons with military features, limiting large capacity magazines to a maximum of seven bullets and allowing police to confiscate the guns of anyone considered mentally unstable. 
“Gun violence has been on a rampage as we know first-hand and we know painfully,” he said in an 80-minute address at a convention center near the Capitol. 
“We must stop the madness my friends. In one word, it’s just enough. It has been enough.” 
And a deal appears near....
In making his case, Cuomo invoked that shooting and the Newtown tragedy. 
“It’s simple,” Cuomo said. “No one hunts with an assault rifle. No one needs 10 bullets to kill a deer. End the madness now.” 
He added that he is a gun owner, himself, and his proposal “is not taking away people’s guns.” 
“That is not what this is about. It is about ending the unnecessary risk of high-capacity assault rifles.” He said he knows “the issue of gun control is hard. I know it’s political. I know it’s controversial. But we are proposing today common sense measures.” 
“I say to you — forget the extremists,” he added, in an apparent shot at the National Rifle Association. 
In addition to banning all assault weapons with military features and limiting large capacity magazines, Cuomo’s plan calls for closing a loophole in the current law weapons ban that allows assault rifles and large-capacity manufactured prior to 1994 — when they were outlawed — to continue to be sold privately. 
If enacted, owners of firearms newly branded illegal will have to register them with the state and would be prevented from selling them within New York, a Cuomo aide said. 
They would not be able to keep the ammunition magazines, however, the aide said. 
Cuomo also proposed replacing a patchwork of licensing requirements across the state with a single standard that would require all gun licenses to be renewed every few years 
He is also seeking to close a loophole that exempts the sale of firearms between private parties from federal background checks.
His plan would ban direct Internet sales of ammunition in New York and require state checks on all ammo purchases.
Just like Hitler, Stalin, Mao and other tyrants, they all came after the guns in the name of stamping out violence.
And even if New York State enacted all these laws, what 100% guarantee will there be that there won't be no more violence involving guns and there will be no more gun massacres?
All these laws will do is rip legally purchased guns and gun parts from people who are law abiding citizens.
The ruling Democrat dictators are now on the state level.

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