Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Security Gator?

Mr. Teeth
From the San Fran Chronicle: Burglar alarms and pit bulls to protect your pot stash? Sure. But an alligator?
That’s what Alameda County sheriff’s deputies encountered about 1:30 p.m. Wednesday when they conducted a “probation compliance” check of a home in Castro Valley.
While at a home on the 19000 block of Mount Jasper Drive, they found 34 pounds of processed dried marijuana and a live — but ill — 5-foot alligator in a Plexiglas tank in the bedroom. The reptile, named “Mr. Teeth,” acted as a deterrent against marijuana thieves, said sheriff’s Sgt. J.D. Nelson.
Mr. Teeth’s owner, Assif Mayr, 32, got the alligator in 1996 “to commemorate the death of rapper Tupac Shakur,” Nelson said.
“We come across guard dogs like pit bulls quite frequently, but a guard alligator is very very unusual,” Nelson said.
Mayar was arrested on suspicion of possessing marijuana for sale and was taken to Santa Rita Jail in Dublin, where he is being held in lieu of $160,000 bail.
Mr. Teeth was taken to the Oakland Zoo. Zoo spokeswoman Nicky Mora said the gator is “very sick” and is being treated at the zoo’s veterinary hospital. Per protocol, the alligator is put into quarantine for 30 days after arriving at the zoo.
In Las Vegas, I have seen pit bulls and even security turtles in the back yards of a couple of houses.  It would not surprise me if there is a security gator or 4 in Las Vegas, with all the drug houses we have.

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