Saturday, January 12, 2013

So, When Did New Yorkers Become Such Wimps?

pee pee_wee_herman.jpg photo
Typical New York City Resident

You have NYPD: New York's Finest.
You have the FDNY: New York's Bravest.
You the garbage collectors of NYC.  New York's Strongest.
And now you have New York City's residents: America's Wimpiest.
How else can you explain New York City residents after they have rolled over and played dead when it comes to the tiny dictator of NYC. Michael Bloomberg.
First, Bloomberg was not supposed to run for a third term because of term limits, but New York residents, rolled over and said ok and re-elected the tiny dictator.
Then you have Bloomberg imposing is will and said New Yorkers can no longer buy large soft drinks.
Now you have the tiny despot telling city run hospitals how to treat patients by limiting how many pain pills doctors can prescribed to patients in emergency rooms in city run hospitals, nomatter what the circumstances.  He basically have told the poor and middle class to go f-ck themselves if they need more pain pills because they cannot get a doctor's appointment for a week or month or two or if the pain is very severe or have complications.  It doesn't allow doctors to treat their patients in the best manner.
So, when did New York City residents become such wimps that they got steamrolled by this tiny despot?
And for those who don't live in New York City, this is what the Obama administration would like to do to you and your city.  Tiny little dictators running the cities while a major dictator lives in the White House.

1 comment:

  1. What a little tyrant. He should be impeached.
