Friday, January 11, 2013

Obama Tax Hike: Ha, Suckers

From Fox News: Gabriella Hoffman’s paycheck is a little lighter today, thanks to a payroll tax increase that is forcing millions of Americans to make the kind of tough budget cuts their representatives in Washington lawmakers seem unwilling to tackle.
Hoffman, a 21-year-old Virginian who works at a nonprofit, estimates her paycheck will be roughly $30 less this biweekly pay period, or about $780 annually, thanks to the end of a two-year cut on payroll taxes, which fund Social Security. The tax has risen back up to 6.2 percent from 4.2 percent, costing someone making $50,000 annually about $1,000 per year and a household with two high-paid workers up to $4,500.
“As a newly-graduated person, someone coming straight out of college, I don’t like the idea of having less money coming to me due to the selfish interests of people in Congress who don’t have any interest in reducing our financial problems,” Hoffman told “This is an impediment for future economic growth. It’s going to make it harder for young people like myself to get married, find a better job, you name it.”
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This is what happens when you re-elect the same people over and over again- from both parties.
While this is an Obama tax hike, both the GOP and Democrats are responsible for the Obama Tax Increase.
But not everyone had to pay the increased tax.  Government workers who don't pay social security tax obviously don't have to pay the tax.  For instance, all teachers in the Clark County School District won't have to pay the tax increase because we don't pay for social security.  Many firefighters and policemen also don't have to pay the tax.

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