Allen Stock and U.S. Senate candidate Danny Tarkanian are involved in a dispute that happened at a conservative gathering on Friday. There are two versions of what happened. The first version, from Norm Confidential of the LVRJ: Tarkanian gave this version in an e-mail late Friday to R-J political reporter Laura Myers: “On my way out of Stoney's, Alan Stock stopped me and asked if I was leaving and if I planned on speaking. I told Alan they would not let me speak early.
“ Before I could get to early, Alan raised his voice and said ‘that is not true, you are lying, I have you on the list to speak.’
“Because Alan was raising his voice I approached him and put my arm around him and asked him to speak with Heather Kydd who knew the story. He pulled away and yelled louder don't touch me; I then left Stoney's.”
And Stock's version from Norm: Stock said he saw Tarkanian heading toward the exit and caught up to him to let him know he would be allowed to speak.
In fact, Stock said he had direct orders from his KXNT boss to make sure Tarkanian be given the opportunity because someone had complained to the station that he was being shut out.
During their conversation, Tarkanian, who was heading for a Las Vegas 51s game to throw out a first pitch, kept insisting "they are not going to let me speak,” said Stock.
"I said three times I'm going to get you on,” said Stock. “When I turned away, that's when he grabbed me. This goes under the heading of no good deed goes unpunished. Instead of a thank-you I basically got a screw-you."
I don't know Tarkanian, so I don't know his personality. I have seen Stock at a fundraiser for Bonner School last year and came away with being completely underwhelmed by his appearance. I also have listen to him on the radio and am not impressed with him at all. He talks about Tarkanian having a short temper, well Stock has a very short temper with people who he disagrees with. And when you include Stock's playing with facts on certain subjects, you really have to wonder about Stock's versions of events. And when Stock criticize Tarkanian's as being short tempered, it makes you wonder who Stock is carry water for.
Now, as far as Tark's version, I am not sure that is the whole truth. Tark has to understand he was at a gathering of conservatives, (I've been invited once to go and it is an open-ended invitation to anyone who wants to go) and there is no right to speak. It would have been nice if they would have allowed him to speak before he had to leave to throw out the first pitch for the 51's.
So, in less than a week, this will all be over. Tark will go back to do whatever he was doing before the election. Stock will continue with his radio suicide mission show on KXNT and slowly become irrelevant.
Sunrise — 6:29.
2 hours ago
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